About Us
Our mission is to support, schools, students and parents and bring UK Education to students across the world in our global classrooms
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TSS are committed to inclusive education. We recognise that students in school often need extra support (so do some parents! ) ~So we offer to support younger learners through our Key Skills (Literacy and Numeracy) courses and Key Skills subscription club.
For those students (young and older) who wish to learn English - we offer 1:1 classes and accredited certified programmes for students from age 14 to adult. We also offer IELTS training at a fraction of the costs of most UK providers.
Finally we have our OFQUAL(UK) accredited courses and single unit courses. These courses are suitable for many people across the world who may wish to gain an internationally recognised qualification in English, Maths, ICT, or the many other areas in which we offer courses (- please see our course page). These courses are offered at Levels 1,2 and 3 of the UK RQF and are recognised by higher eduction institutions and employers across the world.Our Entry level 1 and 2 courses may be taken (with support) by people who have a learning disability.
Our online delivery allows learners of any age to take class at their convenience, from anywhere in the world.
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- We believe in the value of education
- We believe in global communities and learning from one another
- We passionately believe in inclusion
- We are TSS.
OFQUAL (UK) Accredited UK Courses
All our teachers are recruited via UK safer recruitment practises. They are all qualified and registered teachers. Our classrooms offer both live and recorded classes so you can actually learn with international peers on your course.
Safe, Online, Global Classrooms
We bring you excellent teachers, with a wealth of experience in the subjects they teach.
Experts in their field
Experienced Qualified Professional Teachers
Our teachers are professional teachers who have undertaken and qualified through UK ITT.
They are NOT TEFL teachers .
Experts in their field
Experienced Qualified Professional Teachers
Our teachers are professional teachers who have undertaken and qualified through UK ITT.
They are NOT TEFL teachers .

Qualified UK Teachers
We welcome enquires from schools where they are seeking alternative qualification pathways for certain student cohorts.
We are also willing to co-operate with businesses who wish to develop virtual internships in relation to our accredited course pathways, or who may be looking to fill "skills gaps" through our own education programmes and virtual internship/job placements.
Finally, we are here for families. We know that supporting students is difficult in a busy world, or if you just don't understand what a child or young person is required to do. TSS can help.
We are also willing to co-operate with businesses who wish to develop virtual internships in relation to our accredited course pathways, or who may be looking to fill "skills gaps" through our own education programmes and virtual internship/job placements.
Finally, we are here for families. We know that supporting students is difficult in a busy world, or if you just don't understand what a child or young person is required to do. TSS can help.
We work with Schools, Businesses and Families
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Quality Teachers, Quality Courses