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IELTS Writing Course Online

IELTS Academic Writing Course Online
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What's included?

  • Introduction to IELTS writing
  • Introduction to part 1
  • Types of task - part 1
  • Main Features of part1
  • Maps, processes and two chart comparisons
  • Completing part 1
  • Part 1 review
  • Introduction to IELTS Writing -part 2
  • Writing opinion essays
  • Further practise of opinion essays
  • Problem and solution questions in part 2
  • Practise of problem and solution questions
  • Advantages and Disadvantages Questions - part 2
  • Getting the best results in IELTS Writing

Expert help to prepare

This course is suitable for B2+ learners/speakers of English. If you are in doubt about your CEFR level, please contact us to arrange an assessment. During this course, you will be prepared for IELTS Writing Academic

TSS teachers are experienced, qualified teachers from the UK

Our teachers are extremely well versed with the requirements of IELTS and will ensure you are ready for the test, or are guided to further support you will need to be prepared for the test.

* TSS is NOT an IELTS test centre, but we can help students to locate a local test centre near their home where they can take the test.
Meet the instructor

Jennifer Guy (JEN)

Patrick Jones - Course author